My tool stack

This post is a personal note to jot down all the tools I use for productivity. I recently had to configure 2 laptops in a week with all of them and it was quite a pain to remember them all, so here we go for the record.

  • VSCode with Settings Sync on, settings saved in Github
  • Choosy (licensed) with the Notion-Figma-Chrome rules, set up as default browser, disabling the browser prompt step
  • Little Snitch + Micro Snitch (licensed) for firewalling
  • Express VPN (licensed) for VPN
  • CleanMyMac (licensed, 1 key per machine) for keeping things clean and fast
  • Notion desktop app
  • Slack desktop app
  • Figma desktop app
  • Superhuman desktop app
  • 1Password desktop app and Chrome extension
  • Dropbox for documents storage across machines (also installed on iPhone)
  • Obsidian, using Dropbox as Vault location
  • iWriter Pro to edit Obsidian markdown files on iPhone (because Obsidian iOS app can only sync with iCloud, but I use Obsidian across both pro and personal laptops which have different iCloud accounts)
  • iTerm2 for terminal, with Menlo for Powerline font and these settings
  • Oh My Zsh with Solarized Theme and this .zshrc file (private gist)
  • Alfred (licensed), saving settings in Dropbox, enabling the saving of clipboard text for up to 7 days, enabling searching and opening of Chrome bookmarks by default, with Open with VSCode workflow (not in synced settings because depends on machine folders structure)
  • Sketch (licensed) to create the artworks for my RM-RF newsletter
  • Docker desktop
  • Postgres app, just to make things simpler
  • Hemingway App Pro, for sharper writing
  • Shottr, for really nice screenshots

If you have got questions about this stack or want to share cool tricks with these tools, don't hesitate to ping me on Twitter.